Of the six gardenias, each about 50 cm tall, that I planted in my garden a few years ago for dye, I was able to harvest only three.
I guess it is not quite right for cold climate.
There were many sweet-smelling white flowers, but never thought I could harvest only this much.
I will keep an eye on the gardenias and hope that they grow big enough to adapt to the cold weather.
Speaking of gardenia fruit, it is used to make “kinton” which is one of the dishes we eat on New Year’s day.
Sweet potatoes and gardenia fruit are boiled together and make it coloured yellow.
The bright golden colour will add colours to your table in the New Year.
I create with belief that the light and colours of nature can bring kindness, warmth, relief and hope to people.
May the new year bring you light.
Mayuko Fujii