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In the name of study session

Akiko-san and Miasa-san whom I work together on research of plants by the name of “Herbarium of the senses”.
We three and the respective families went to Hinohara, Nishi-Tama district together to stay at a mountain villa called “Mitou Sanso”.

It could be reached by driving up the winding road from the nearest station about an hour and it was a quiet place for this time of the year. A year-end party in the name of study session was held there where we had Sansaizen (a dish prepared from edible wild plants) and alcoholic drinks.
While having fun eating, I hoped I could continue deepening the knowledge of plants through colours, scent and foodstuffs.

From left to the right starting from the top row: Kyarabuki, Hayatouri, Wasabi, Tsukushi, Zenmai, Akebi, Kogomi, Sawagani, Mukago, Kyuuri, Yuzu, Myouga, Yurine, Urui, Maitake, Nobiru, Fukinotou, Harienju, Zuiki, Konnyaku

09/12/2017 | Posted in Diary |