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New Year

May the year 2016 bring you a lot of happiness and smiles.
With serenity – Otaki Shrine.

01/01/2016 | Posted in Diary |

Plaisir des Meteores,ou,Le Livre des Douze Mois

When I went to a nearby books & café, and after finished with what I had to do there and was just about to rush back home, there was a book that seemed to twinkle noticeably as if speaking to me.

A Japanese translated book of “Plaisir des Meteores,ou,Le Livre des Douze Mois” written by Marie Gevers, translated by Kan MIYABAYASHI, published by Kawade Shobo Shinsha.

23/12/2015 | Posted in Diary |

Beyond the light –lighting of flame

When I was looking for a house in the foot of Yatsugatake, I had various issues that needed to be taken into account before choosing the place where I live now, such as reasonably sized land for us, the moderate transport convenience for my husband who travels frequently, and an elementary school was located nearby etc, but I think the big thing was that the modest appearance of the house when seen from a distance stayed in my heart.

25/11/2015 | Posted in Diary |

Mt. Hinata

3, Nov, 2015, climbed to Mt. Hinata, height of 1,660, with children.

20/11/2015 | Posted in Diary |

Mt. Mizugaki

7, Oct, 2015, climbed to Mt. Mizugaki, height of 2,230m.

Since I am privileged to live where surrounded by beautiful mountains, I’m hoping to challenge little by little.
Even so, my legs hurt ……

08/10/2015 | Posted in Diary |

About work

I have started my weaving work in my new aterlier.
Weaving involves not just “weaving” but there is also a process of winding dyed threads around wooden frame, and making warp called “seikei” which is done before weaving with a loom.

25/09/2015 | Posted in Diary |

Firefly in the morning

Dayflowers that bloom in the summer morning and fade by early afternoon.
The fleeting but vivid petals that are eye-catching in the grass look like firefly somehow.

19/08/2015 | Posted in Diary |

Build a nest

I had been building my own nest.
No, to describe correctly, I had been brushing on paint to my nest.

Moving from Kamakura to the foot of Yatsugatake and creating a new base has been a big project for my family over the last few years.
I met people who built (had been building) their own houses steadily here.
Although I had a longing for such a house making, it was actually difficult for us, but nevertheless, what we chose to do from what we could, was to do “painting”.

24/07/2015 | Posted in Diary |